Shraddha's Journey

From Personal Passion to Fusionkaari

As they say, ‘in the intricate fabric of life, each thread spins its unique tale’. Here, I recount my journey, from an individual passion to the beginning of Fusionkaari, a label where creativity, caring for the Earth, and style seamlessly intertwine.

It all began with a deep-seated fascination for the tangible joys of ceramics. I am Shraddha, and my foray into the world of art introduced me to the attractive realm of clay. My initial steps into this creative journey unfolded in a modest kitchen, where my love for cooking and serving seamlessly blended with my growing interest in ceramics. This is where my attraction for ceramic craftsmanship was first born. My fingers touching the ceramic piece instantly forged a connection with this time-honored, eco-friendly material and its fundamental nature.

However, my journey was not confined only to kitchenware. My deepening affection for ceramics led me to see it as an art form. I wanted to create not just things to use in the kitchen but beautiful pieces that could make people's lives better. And that's how Fusionkaari was born.

The Fusionkaari story doesn't end with ceramics alone. Alongside my love for ceramics, another chapter was unfolding. This chapter revolved around handbags, which quickly became a major part of my life. The process of creating handbags became my canvas for expressing my creative visions. I would meticulously sketch out bag designs on paper, bringing them to life with every stitch and seam.

My professional background as a fashion designer fueled my desire to make a meaningful impact in the world of creativity. Fusionkaari emerged as the perfect avenue to marry my passion for design with my dedication to eco-friendly artistry through ceramic and handbag products.

As I look ahead, I see a future where Fusionkaari continues to evolve, relentlessly pushing the boundaries of creativity and sustainability in every piece we create. I invite you all to join us for this remarkable journey, as we meld our passions, create purposeful art, and make our everyday life more beautiful and meaningful while taking responsible care of our lovely Mother Earth.

With love and boundless creativity,


Founder of Fusionkaari

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Join our ceramic workshop and delve into the fascinating world of pottery! Explore the art of crafting beautiful pieces from scratch, learn the intricate techniques behind ceramic creation, and let your imagination soar with us.

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